Thursday 24 September 2015

Conventions Of An Opening Sequence

 (Juno done by James Lewis)

        From this I have learnt that Coming of Age Films seem to follow similar codes and conventions to each other. After studying two openings in more detail I have found out that to make a more appealing opening for your target audience you should follow some of the following codes and conventions:

  • Use the same font through out
  • use complimentary colours to make your text stand out more
  • Use a range of different camera angles
  • Use body language and facial expressions to give your characters an identity
  • Have the main character as someone who the audience and relate with
  • Use the opening to engage the audience and catch their attention
  • Allow the opening to give hints for the further narrative
        When creating my own opening sequence I will try and include some of these effective codes and conventions to make it as appealing as possible.

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