Sunday 11 October 2015

Analysis of Previous Students Work

Grade: A

Strengths and Weaknesses: They used a variety of different Camera angles which engaged the audience be introducing the setting. They also made professional use of the typography by choosing a font which fits well with the narrative and the placement of it.
 However, their chosen music featured in the opening sequence doesn't fit with all the scenes, so a better chosen song could have have been more fitting for the action shots.

Is the material appropriate for the target audience?: I think that it would gain a lot of interest from the target audience because of its narrative. However, I feel the audience would struggle to relate with any of the characters, which is usually a common way to engage the audience. However, this movie suggest that the audience may use this as some sort of escapism.

Sound Quality: They have played music throughout the opening sequence and have used no dialog. I believe this allows the audience to use their imagination to think about the narrative.

Camera Work: They have used a a wide range of camera angles and are all shot in good quality. yet, in some of the shots the camera is visually shaky.

Does the editing suit the genre?: I think that the editing does suit the genre as it switches between characters which engages the audience as it reveals some character development and also give some hints towards the narrative and context.

Is the mise en scene appropriate for the video?: I think that the mise en scene is appropriate for this opening sequence as the use of high and low key lighting allow the audience to get a better feel for the mood and atmosphere in the scene. I think that the use of costumes allows the audience to identify the the good from the bad people.

Overall Areas of improvement: Overall, the few things I think they could improve on are their music chose, I feel they need music which emphasizes the action scenes. Another improvement they could make is how they try to reveal clues of the narrative as for at the moment the audience are left slightly clueless.

Grade: B

Strengths and Weaknesses: They have made really good use of sound and music to support what is happing in the scene. they have also been able to use the music correctly in situations, for example to silences to build tension in the scene. They have also make good use of a fake institution.
Although, the dialog is not at a consistent volume which makes it a little difficult for the audience to hear. They have also shown some poor editing skills as at one point we can clear see a cut in the scene.

Is the material appropriate for the target audience?:  I think the material is appropriate for the target audience as it is an interesting narrative and the audience are quickly engaged by whats happening.

Sound Quality: The sound quality is pretty good and can be considered as one of their strongest points. Their use of non-diegetic sounds have been professionally done and fit in well with what is happening. By doing this they have allowed the audience to become more evolved with whats going on.

Camera Work: They have used a range of different camera angles which work really well and allow the audience to get a good idea of what going on and where they are.

Does the editing suit the genre? I think that the editing does suit the genre and engages the target audience because of that. This is because some on the shots they have done allow the audience to get a really good sense of the atmosphere and what the director was trying to do.

Is the mise en scene appropriate for the video?: I think that they have made good use of the mise en scene as the setting they have used allows the audience to get a good understanding of where they are and what type of movie it will be, this also shows a well developed narrative.

Overall Areas of improvement: The improvements that could be made are the the clear editing so that the audience done see any cuts. They also need to be careful about the props they use and not to show any clear mistakes.

From this I have learnt:

  • Use a range of different camera angles
  • Have a relatable narrative
  • Have a song which is fitting creates mood and atmophere
  • Have a setting which fits the narrative
  • Clean cuts in the editing

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